May 5, 2020 Nursery stock


Blackhaw $7
•7–30 ft
•in the viburnum family, profuse white flowers
•traditionally used to reduce menstrual cramps
•native in the southern regions of the midwest

Osage Orange $7
•30–50 ft
•also known as hedge apple, horse apple, boisd’arc, bodark, bodock, bow-wood, monkey ball, monkey brains, yellow-wood and mock orange.
•used to create inpenetrable living fences
•very hard durable wood, used for making bows

Large-podded thornless honeylocust $10
•seed grown from a very large podded tree
•nitrogen fixer

Buffaloberry $7
•non-leguminous nitrogen fixer
•native prairie plant
•use for jam, jelly, pies and soups
•3-12 feet high depending on soil
•Zone 3-9

Bur Oak $7
•Native in the midwest
•Grows 50’ – 90’ high
•Prefers well-drained soil
•largest acorns of any oak

Ginkgo $10
•One of the oldest species of trees
•60’ – 100’ high
•Grows best in well drained soil
•Very long lived trees

Dwarf Russian Almonds $7
•Produces bitter almonds, can make almond extract
•Grows 3-4 feet tall, 5 feet wide
•Radiant fuschia flowers
•Can handle part day shade

Elderberry $7
•Likes moist soils and can handle shade
•8’ high, grows as a shrub
•Berries can be used for syrup, jam, wine
•Elder flowers can be dried for tea

Curly Willow $7
•Does best on moist soils
•Can grow to 40-50 feet
•Or can be pruned to be kept smaller

Fast Growing Willow $7
•grows 6’ – 10’ a year
•40’ – 60’ when mature
•erosion control
•likes wet soils

Pussy Willow $7
•grows to 20’
•large fuzzy catkins
•erosion control
•likes wet soils

Ninebark $7 (small) $10 (large)
•Hardy to zone 2
•5’ – 8’ high
•Exfoliating bark
•ornamental hedge
•white to pink flowers

Peewee Hydrangea $8
•white flowers
•blooms late spring
•4 ft. tall, 3 ft. wide.

Hardy Pecan $7
•Need 2 for pollination
•Grows 60’ – 100’ high
•Pecan wood is very useful
•10-15 years to bear nuts

pawpaws $12
•Need 2 plants pollination
•15  feet high by 8 feet wide
•Flavor tastes like mango mixed with banana
•Best for fresh eating, baking; pulp freezes well

persimmons $8
•Need 2 plants for pollination
•15-60 feet high, very slow growing
•Wood used as substitute for ebony
•Best used for baking, jam and wine

Nanking cherries $10
•Need 2 plants for pollination
•5 feet high by 4 feet wide
•Flavor is between sweet and tart
•Best for fresh eating and juicing

apricot $8 (small) $12 (large)
•Plant in colder spots to prevent early flowering
•Grows 12’ – 15’ high
•Need 2 for pollination
•Very cold hardy

cherry plum $8
•3′ – 6′ low growing shrub
•prefers partial shade or partial sun to full sun
•purple to black fruits
•can tolerate hot dry sites

serviceberry bush – amelancher alnifolia $6 
•Need minimum 2 plants pollination
•6-8 feet high 
•Delicious apple/rose flavor
•Best for fresh eating & baking

serviceberry tree – amelanchier arborea $6
•Need minimum 2 plants pollination
•15-20 feet high 
•Delicious apple/rose flavor
•Best for fresh eating & baking

false indigo (amorpha fruticans) $6
•Nitrogen fixer; fertilizes nearby plants
•Grows 5 – 8 feet tall, 5-8 feet wide
•Purple tube-shaped flowers
•Excellent attractor for bees and butterflies

witchhazel $7
•Leaves and bark used to make astringent decoction
•Grows 10-20 feet depending on location
•Fragrant yellow-orange flowers
•Flowers in November – December

aronia $8 (small) $12 (large)
•Need 2 plants for better pollination
•8 feet high by 4 feet wide
•Flavor is between slightly astringent
•Best for baking, cooking and juicing

McKenzie aronia $8
•Need 2 plants for better pollination
•4 feet high by 4 feet wide
•Flavor is between slightly astringent
•Add genetic diversity to your aronia planting

purple lilac $9
•10 to 12′
•deep purple to wine red, sweetly fragrant
•flowers late April to early May
•mandatory plant in every Driftless homestead

white lilac $9
•10′ to 12′
•upright shrub with single white flowers 
•best in full sun

late blooming lilac (large) $14
•6′ to 10′
•blooms later than other lilacs
•flowers are pink mauve 

prairie red plums  $8
•Plant in colder spots to prevent early flowering
•Grows 12’ – 15’ high
•Need 2 for pollination
•Sweet red fruit, 1 1/2” in diameter

rosa rugosa (small) $8 (large) $12
•Produces the largest rosehips
•Up to 8 feet high
•Fragrant flowers; bee habitat
•Hips are very high in Vitamin C

nannyberry $12
•Wildlife cover
•Up to 20 feet high
•Erosion control
•Fruit is best after a frost

highbush cranberry $7
•Need 2 plants for better pollination
•8-12 feet high
•Flavor varies; high in vitamin C
•Best for baking, cooking, jam and jelly

washington hawthorn $8 
•Hardy to zone 4b
•red-orange fruit
•berries are edible
•Cedar Waxwings feed on berries
•grows to 30’

river birch $6
•40′ to 70′
*cinnamon brown exfoliating bark
•full sun to partial shade

paper birch $6
•50′ to 70′
•white bark that peels off
•hardy native
•naturally grows in clumps

kentucky coffee tree $7
•Native in the midwest
•Grows 60’ – 70’ high
•Roasted seeds are coffee substitute
•Seeds were used for jewelry by area tribes

catalpa $7
•large tropical leaves, good shade tree
•large white flowers
•large bean-like pods

laurel leaf willow $6
•dark green glossy leaves
•full sun

figs $12 (small) $25 (large)
•for container growing, not hardy in WI
•figs fruit in 2-3 years depending on age of plant
•can also grow as a houseplant
•Does not need a pollinator, these figs are self-fruitful
•Figs are the fruit of paradise

red mulberry $7
•delicious fruit
•long lived full sized trees
•Flavor is between sweet and tart
•Best for fresh eating

bald cypress $8

buckeye $7
•showy flowers of a soft lime green hue borne on  4-7″ panicles
•trees are long lived
•nuts are not edible but there is a game called Conkers, played with the nuts

northern red oak $7
•leaves turn brownish-red in autumn
•moderate-to-fast growing
•native in upper midwest

shellbark hickory $7
•largest nuts of any hickory
*nuts are quite sweet
*excellent firewood

native WI cacti $7
•opuntia humifusa
•likes dryer areas
•plant in sand and gravel
•yellow flowers in June


cane begonias $7
•pink flowers
•red leaves
•can grow in any kind of light

I will be adding a lot more listings or the next month. Most listings I have limited amounts.

Plants can be picked up at BEYOND VINEYARD (3817 Salem Ridge Rd, La Farge across from the Webster Township Garage) in Webster Township or at DRIFTLESS SACRED GROVE (10375 County Hway A) in West Lima. By appointment. 608-625-4619 or email or message me in my personal account (Miekal And) on Facebook.

Local delivery within 25 miles is possible for orders over $100.

Payment with cash, local check or I can invoice you via Paypal.

2 thoughts on “May 5, 2020 Nursery stock

  1. Hello,
    I would like to order the following.
    1-Witch hazel qty 1
    2-River birch qty 1
    3- Pawpaw qty2
    4- Apricot qty 2
    5- Service berry bush qty 2
    I can pick up and pay cash. Just let me know what days and time works best for you. Thanks

  2. Hello, I just wanted to say the elderberry scions and fig cuttings I received looked great have already started to root. Great quality and quick service!

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